Priority Points Program


Priority Points Program


The priority points program is a participation and loyalty reward system for APAO Congress corporate partners including exhibitors and sponsors. It is designed to reward for their support and provide a clear and transparent scheduling process of the exhibit booth space order for each exhibitor.

To benefit from the priority points program, each company is required to submit a completed booking form to the APAO Secretariat by the priority point deadline of November 30, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

The priority of booth assignment will be assessed according to the company’s earned priority points and payment date. Companies with the highest number of points are assigned first, progressing down to companies with the fewest points.

The priority points can be accrued through attendance at the previous Congress as well as sponsoring, advertising and supporting the Congress programs.

When two companies with equal points request the same space, priority will be given to the company which has exhibited at three previous congresses in the past five years. If a tie still exists, the exhibit space will be assigned on a first come, first served basis based on the booking and payment dates.

Violations of or failure to adhere to APAO policies, contracts, rules and regulations will result in points being deducted.

The priority point program is subject to cancellation, change or modification by APAO at any time without prior notice.

Priority points are accrued annually and added to the cumulative total in the following ways:

1. Exhibiting

  • 1 point for exhibiting in the current year
  • 1 point per year for exhibiting at 5 previous consecutive congresses

2. Booth Size

  • 1 point for the first booth
  • 2 points for every booth

3. Payment

  • 5 points for sending full payment with the booking form by the priority point deadline: November 30, 2024

4. Total Congress Expenditure

  • Total event expenditure includes booth cost, registration and sponsorship at the APAO 2025 Congress.
Points Earned Total Amount Spent
10 US$50,000 – US$99,999
15 US$100,000 – US$149,999
30 US$150,000 – US$179,999
35 US$180,000 – US$209,999
50 US$210,000+

5. Total Advertising Expenditure

  • Total advertising expenditure includes delegate items, advertising items and onsite items.
 Points Earned Total Amount Spent
1 US$3,000 – US$5,999
3 US$6,000 – US$9,999
5 US$10,000 – US$29,999
7 US$30,000 – US$49,999
10 US$50,000+

6. Sponsoring Social Programs and/or APAO Projects

  • 5 points for sponsoring any two of the following social programs:
  • Presidential Dinner
  • APAO LDP Alumni Reception
  • Cultural Party
  • Young Ophthalmologists’ Night
  • Women in Ophthalmology Luncheon
  • 5 points for sponsoring APAO Projects:
  • APAO Gateway Project
  • APAO International Fellowship Program
  • APAO Leadership Development Program
  • Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week
  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology

7. Donation & APAO Project / Program Sponsorship

  • Total amount donated to the APAO Fundraising Run / other Congress-related events such as the APAO-APOIS Imaging Competition
Points Earned Total Donation Amount
1 US$1,500 – US$3,999
3 US$4,000 – US$9,999
5 US$10,000 – US$29,999
7 US$30,000+

8. Completion of the Post-Congress Survey

  • 5 Points for completing the post-congress survey

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


A very warm welcome to the 40th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress, being held in the vibrant city of New Delhi from April 3 to 6, 2025, in conjunction with the 83rd Annual Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS).

We are excited to see the APAO’s return to India, after we last hosted this prestigious annual event in 2013. Over the years, many advancements in clinical practices have been achieved, numerous scientific discoveries have been made, and patients’ needs for eye care services have evolved. We look forward to seeing you again at the 2025 Congress, a grand gathering for ophthalmologists and visual scientists from the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide to exchange the latest knowledge and ideas. This event will be hosted at the newly constructed state-of-the-art venue of Yashobhoomi – the India International Convention & Expo Centre (IICC) in New Delhi, which is India’s largest convention center.

Beyond our scientific program, the Congress offers wonderful opportunities for networking, collaboration, and building long-lasting professional relationships. Besides this, focus would also be on imparting ophthalmic education through wet labs (surgical skill development courses) and video-assisted surgeries. I sincerely invite you to share your expertise and forge new connections that will drive the pioneering efforts in our field.

India, a land of rich cultural heritage and unparalleled diversity, is honored to host this important event. As you immerse yourself in the feast for the mind in our scientific sessions, I also encourage you to explore the country’s historical wonders, culinary delights, and natural landscapes, making your experience truly memorable.

Join us for this extraordinary opportunity to gain new insights, enrich your experience, network with your peers, and work together towards the shared mission with the AIOS – “From Darkness to Light.”

With warmest regards,

Dr. Lalit VERMA
APAO 2025 Congress

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO), I am honored to welcome you all to the 40th APAO Congress to be held in the vibrant city of New Delhi, India from April 3-6, 2025.

The APAO congress is the pinnacle meeting of ophthalmologists and visual scientists of the Asia-Pacific region. Year after year, it brings together top-notch speakers, practicing professionals, and academic researchers from all over the region and beyond to discuss the latest developments in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of eye diseases.

Under the theme of “Transcending Boundaries in Ophthalmology”, the 2025 congress will be co-hosted with the All-India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS). Amid the rapid changes and expansion of the field of ophthalmology, this event provides a unique platform for you to keep abreast of emerging trends and knowledge, and to explore collaboration opportunities with colleagues from different countries and subspecialties. From leading experts and seasoned professionals to young doctors and trainees, I am sure everyone will find it rewarding to engage in the thought-provoking dialogues in our scientific sessions, and to forge lasting friendships with like-minded peers through our social functions.

May I thank all the individuals involved in organizing this congress for their dedicated efforts and impressive commitment to making it a success. I am also eagerly anticipating the enthusiastic participation and support of our delegates. Together, let us embark on this remarkable journey of knowledge, inspiration, and camaraderie!


Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is with immense honor and pleasure that I welcome you to the 2025 Congress of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO), held in conjunction with the 83rd Annual Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) at the India International Convention & Expo Centre in New Delhi, India, from April 3 to 6, 2025.

This year’s congress promises to be an inspiring and transformative experience. With over 1,000 internationally renowned speakers, we anticipate groundbreaking presentations across a diverse spectrum of topics within major ophthalmic subspecialties. With more than 10,000 ophthalmologists expected to participate, our collective knowledge and passion will drive innovations in eye care, benefiting patients worldwide.

On behalf of APAO and our Member Societies, I would like to express our deepest heartfelt thanks to Dr. Lalit VERMA, APAO 2025 Congress President, and our dedicated colleagues at the AIOS, for organizing this exceptional event. I would also like to convey our deepest gratitude to our APAO 2025 Scientific Program Committee (SPC) Chair Prof. Dennis LAM and all its members, whose dedication and hard work are instrumental to curating such an intellectually stimulating scientific and educational program.

Lastly, it is your active engagement that truly elevates these endeavors. We are truly grateful for your unwavering support, and we look forward to welcoming you all in person to this exciting and enriching scientific gathering in the vibrant city of New Delhi.

Warmest regards,

Prof. Clement C THAM
Secretary-General and CEO
Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is my privilege to extend a warm welcome to all of you to the 40th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress in the capacity of APAO 2025 Scientific Program Committee (SPC) Chair.

The Asia-Pacific is home to more than 4 billion people, and there are significant challenges in eye care. We face a rising threat of age-related eye diseases among an aging population, a diverse demographic landscape with a broad spectrum of ocular conditions, and an imbalanced distribution of resources that hinders the prevention and eradication of blindness in some parts of the region. By coming together and pooling our collective expertise, we strive to devise innovative solutions to ensure quality eye care for all.

With this vision, the APAO and SPC are committed to designing a comprehensive scientific program for ophthalmologists and visual scientists from the region and beyond to exchange the latest knowledge and discuss collaborative efforts. The 2025 congress is anticipated to bring together over 1,000 top-notch speakers from India and around the world. Their pioneering research, groundbreaking discoveries, and cutting-edge techniques will undoubtedly shape the future of ophthalmology. We are also expecting an attendance of around 10,000 delegates, who will contribute their ideas and experience through our interactive symposiums, workshops, and other scientific sessions.

I look forward to meeting you in New Delhi and working with you towards a better and brighter world!

Best regards,

Prof. Dennis LAM
APAO 2025 Scientific Program Committee